工作單位 | 職稱 | 起訖期間 |
高雄醫學大學 | 教授 | 0850301~0970731 |
成功大學 | 教授 | 0970801~1070731 |
弘光科技大學 | 講座教授 | 1100801~1110131 |
弘光科技大學 | 講座教授 | 1110201~1110731 |
弘光科技大學 | 講座教授 | 1110801~1120131 |
弘光科技大學 | 講座教授 | 1120201~1120731 |
弘光科技大學 | 講座教授 | 1120801~1130131 |
弘光科技大學 | 講座教授 | 1130201~1130731 |
弘光科技大學 | 講座教授 | 1130801~1140131 |
證照 | 證照類型 | 證照名稱 |
考試院考試院高等考試及格證書-護理師考試 | 專技高普考 | 考試院高等考試及格證書-護理師考試 |
發表日期 | 作者 | 論文名稱 | 刊物名稱 | 期刊類別 |
1100125 | 通訊作者 | Outcomes of a walking exercise intervention in postpartum women with disordered sleep | Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research | SCI |
1100121 | 通訊作者 | Effects of non-supervised aerobic exercise on sleep quality and maternal-fetal attachment in pregnant women: A randomized controlled trial | Complementary Therapies in Medicine | SCI |
1090601 | 第三作者 | Impacts of fatigue, stress, and perceived health status on women with Rheumatic Diseases: A comparison study | Journal of Nursing Research | SCI |
1090401 | 通訊作者 | Stress, anxiety and depression perceived by couples with recurrent miscarriage | International Journal of Nursing Practice | SCI |
1090301 | 第三作者 | The clinically crucial predictors of depression in women with Systemic Autoimmune Diseases | Health Care for Women International | SSCI |
1080401 | 通訊作者 | Music intervention for pain and anxiety management of the primiparous women during labor: A systematic review and meta-analysis | Journal of Advanced Nursing | SSCI |
1080131 | 第五作者 | The effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy skills training group vs. cognitive therapy group on reducing depression and suicide attempts for borderline personality disorder in Taiwan | Archives of Suicide Research | SSCI |
1070301 | 通訊作者 | Risk Factors associated with newly psychiatric disorder in spinal cord injury: A retrospective cohort study. | Journal of Clinical Nursing | SCI |
1070101 | 通訊作者 | Effectiveness of aerobic gymnastic exercise on stress, fatigue, and sleep quality during postpartum: A pilot randomized controlled trial | International Journal of Nursing Studies | SCI |
發表日期 | 作者 | 論文名稱 | 研討會名稱 | 1070712 | 第一作者 | Effectiveness of nursing counseling on reducing stress and depression for women with recurrent miscarriage: A pilot randomized controlled trial | Global Nursing Symposium |
工作單位 | 職稱 | 起訖期間 |
高雄醫學大學 | 教授 | 0850301~0970731 |
成功大學 | 教授 | 0970801~1070731 |
弘光科技大學 | 講座教授 | 1100801~1110131 |
弘光科技大學 | 講座教授 | 1110201~1110731 |
弘光科技大學 | 講座教授 | 1110801~1120131 |
弘光科技大學 | 講座教授 | 1120201~1120731 |
弘光科技大學 | 講座教授 | 1120801~1130131 |
弘光科技大學 | 講座教授 | 1130201~1130731 |
弘光科技大學 | 講座教授 | 1130801~1140131 |
證照 | 證照類型 | 證照名稱 |
考試院考試院高等考試及格證書-護理師考試 | 專技高普考 | 考試院高等考試及格證書-護理師考試 |
發表日期 | 作者 | 論文名稱 | 刊物名稱 | 期刊類別 |
1100125 | 通訊作者 | Outcomes of a walking exercise intervention in postpartum women with disordered sleep | Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research | SCI |
1100121 | 通訊作者 | Effects of non-supervised aerobic exercise on sleep quality and maternal-fetal attachment in pregnant women: A randomized controlled trial | Complementary Therapies in Medicine | SCI |
1090601 | 第三作者 | Impacts of fatigue, stress, and perceived health status on women with Rheumatic Diseases: A comparison study | Journal of Nursing Research | SCI |
1090401 | 通訊作者 | Stress, anxiety and depression perceived by couples with recurrent miscarriage | International Journal of Nursing Practice | SCI |
1090301 | 第三作者 | The clinically crucial predictors of depression in women with Systemic Autoimmune Diseases | Health Care for Women International | SSCI |
1080401 | 通訊作者 | Music intervention for pain and anxiety management of the primiparous women during labor: A systematic review and meta-analysis | Journal of Advanced Nursing | SSCI |
1080131 | 第五作者 | The effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy skills training group vs. cognitive therapy group on reducing depression and suicide attempts for borderline personality disorder in Taiwan | Archives of Suicide Research | SSCI |
1070301 | 通訊作者 | Risk Factors associated with newly psychiatric disorder in spinal cord injury: A retrospective cohort study. | Journal of Clinical Nursing | SCI |
1070101 | 通訊作者 | Effectiveness of aerobic gymnastic exercise on stress, fatigue, and sleep quality during postpartum: A pilot randomized controlled trial | International Journal of Nursing Studies | SCI |
發表日期 | 作者 | 論文名稱 | 研討會名稱 | 1070712 | 第一作者 | Effectiveness of nursing counseling on reducing stress and depression for women with recurrent miscarriage: A pilot randomized controlled trial | Global Nursing Symposium |