
程淑慧/Cherng, Shur Hueih

  • 專長:基因毒理、肺癌化療抗性、醫事檢驗、氧化壓力、細胞分子生物學、生化毒理
  • 清華大學生命科學系博士
朝陽科技大學圖書資訊處「關於投稿暨學術倫理 的二三事」研習證明書其他相關證照「關於投稿暨學術倫理 的二三事」研習證明書
1110726第四作者Curcumin induces apoptosis of chemoresistant lung cancer cells via ROS-regulated p38 MAPK phosphorylationInt. J. Mol. Sci.SCI
1110117第二作者Effect of GABA Tea Containing Mulberry Leaf on Oxidative Stress in Healthy Subjects with Weight ControlJ Nutr Diet 其他
1090715第一作者Cytotoxicity of naringenin induces Bax-mediated mitochondrial apoptosis in human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cellsEnvironment ToxicologySCI
1070730第三作者Tissue transglutaminase 2 expression is epigenetically regulated in human lung cancer cells and prevents reactive oxygen species-induced apoptosisCancer Management and ResearchSCI
1040803第四作者Vitamin C attenuates the toxic effect of aristolochic acid on renal tubular cells via decreasing oxidative stress‑mediated cell death pathwaysMol Med RepSCI
1021227第一作者GABA Tea Prevents Cardiac Fibrosis by Attenuating TNF-alpha and Fas/FasL-mediated apoptosis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic RatsFood Chem. ToxicolSCI
1020203第二作者Reply to: Clusterin inhibition to enhance tumor chemosensitivity in systemic tumors.Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. SCI
1010215通訊作者Zinc ion enhanced GABA tea-mediated oxidative DNA damageJ. Agric. Food Chem.SCI
1010101第二作者Regulation of chemosensitivity and migration by clusterin in non-small cell lung cancer cells.Cancer Chemotherapy and PharmacologySCI
1000910第三作者Cisplatin transiently up-regulates hHR23 expression through enhanced translational efficiency in A549 adenocarcinoma cells.Toxicol Lett.SCI
1000306通訊作者A synergistic effect of GABA Tea and Copper(II) on DNA breakage in human peripheral lymphocytes.Food Chem Toxicol.SCI
0970330第三作者UVA photoirradiation of oxygenated benz[a]anthracene and 3-methylcholanthene-generation of singlet oxygen and induction of lipid peroxidatinInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health其他
0960628第三作者Synthesis and photoirradiation of isomeric ethylchrysene by UV light leading to lipid peroxidationInt. J. Environ. Res. Public. Health其他
0960301第四作者Photodecomposition of vitamin A and photobiological implications for the skinPhotochem. PhotobiolSCI
0950601第四作者Photoirradiation of retinyl palmitate in ethanol with ultraviolet light - formation of photodecomposition products, reactive oxygen species, and lipid peroxides Int. J. Environ. Res Pub Health其他
0950505第三作者UVA photoirradiation of retinyl palmitate-Formation of singlet oxygen and superoxide, and their role in induction of lipid peroxidation. Toxicology LettersSCI
0950301第一作者Suppressive effect of 1-nitropyrene on benzo[a]pyrene-induced CYP1A1 protein expression in HepG2 cells.Toxicology LettersSCI
0940901第三作者photo-induced DNA damage and phototoxicity of retiny palmitate and its photodecomposition products.Toxicology and Industrial HealthSCI
0940601第二作者photodecomposition and phototoxicity of natural retinoids.Int. J. Enviro. Res Pub. Health其他
0940201第一作者Photodecomposition of retinyl palmitate in ethanol by UVA-Formation of photodecomposition products, reactive oxygen species, and lipid peroxides.Chemical Research ToxicologySCI
0921103第二作者Photoreaction, phototoxicity, and photocarcinogenicity of retinoids.Journal of Environmental Science and health Pact C:Environmental Carcinogenesis & Ecotoxicology ReviewsSCI
0910201第一作者Human 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase 1 mRNA expression as an oxidative stress exposure biomarker of cookimg oil fumes.Journal of Toxicology and Environmental health. Part ASCI
產學計畫案(私人企業或法人機構之案件)1120901 - 1130630主持人含佳葉龍茶防曬噴劑之有效成份分析及功效評估
學發會計畫1120104 - 1121231主持人運用人類肺癌細胞及其抗化療細胞分析没食子酸月桂酯的抗肺癌機制
產學計畫案(私人企業或法人機構之案件)1090701 - 1100630主持人篩選與評估對肺癌細胞抗藥株具有敏感作用之植物新藥
其他1050101 - 1051231共同主持人手術前合併化學放射治療對食道麟狀表皮癌患者體內氧化壓力和發炎細胞素(pro-inflammatory cytokines)表現量的影響
其他1040101 - 1041231共同主持人探討術前同步化學放射治療對食道癌患者之體內氧化壓力和血漿中前發炎細胞素表現量的影響
學發會計畫1030101 - 1031231主持人含桑葉GABA茶對體重控制受試者氧化壓力之影響
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1020801 - 1030731共同主持人佳葉龍茶和主成分GABA改善腎臟上皮細胞氧化性損傷之研究與開發
學發會計畫1020101 - 1021231共同主持人以動物試驗評估桑葉-GABA茶不易形成體脂肪功效
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)1001101 - 1011031主持人開發不易形成體脂肪功效之含桑葉GABA茶保健食品
產學計畫案(私人企業或法人機構之案件)1000701 - 1010630主持人不易形成體脂肪功效之保健產品篩選與評估
學發會計畫0970101 - 0971231主持人蟬花在單側輸尿管阻塞大鼠之功能性評估
學發會計畫0960101 - 0961231共同主持人柚甘素誘發人類肺腺癌細胞凋亡之分子機轉研究
科技部案件(含教育部計劃)0950801 - 0960731主持人烹調油煙暴露引起之hOGG1 基因轉錄調控參與肺腫瘤轉移之可能性研究(2/2)
0950101 - 0951231主持人台灣地區肺癌病人之hOGG1基因多型性與肺癌形成之相關性研究
0940801 - 0950731主持人烹調油煙暴露引起之hOGG1基因轉錄調控參與肺腫瘤轉移之可能性研究(1/2)
0940801 - 0950731主持人烹調油煙暴露引起之hOGG1 基因轉錄調控參與肺腫瘤轉移之可能性研究(1/2)
0920101 - 0921231主持人檞皮酮對鹼基修補酵素基因表現之影響研究
0910801 - 0920731主持人探討OGG1基因表現在肺癌形成角色之研究
0910801 - 0920731主持人探討OGG1基因表現在肺癌形成角色之研究
0910101 - 0911231主持人硝基多環方芳香烴1-nitropyrene對多環芳香烴benzo[a]pyrene所誘發細胞色素P4501A1之表現影響機轉研究
1130420第一作者Lauryl gallate induces apoptosis in human lung cancer chemoresistant cells2024第15屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會
1130323第一作者EPA 900 as an Adjunct Treatment for Headache Reduction in Patients with Episodic Migraine第38屆生物醫學聯合學術年會
1101210第一作者The Expression of Proinflammatory Cytokine in Esophageal Cancer Patients Receiving Neoadjuvant Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy2021全國生物科技暨健康產業國際學術研討會
1081025第一作者Naringenin induces Bax-mediated apoptosis in A549 lung cancer cells2019全國生物科技暨健康產業學術研討會
1080323第一作者The Synergistic Effect on the Antioxidant Activity of GABA Tea Containing Mulberry Leaf第三十四屆生物醫學聯合學術年會
1071123第一作者Role of GABA in antioxidant Activity of GABA Tea Containing Mulberry Leaf2018全國生物科技暨健康產業學術研討會
1060325第一作者Neoadjuvant Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy Induced Oxidative Stress in Esophageal Cancer Patients2017生醫年會
1051202第一作者含桑葉GABA 茶具有抗氧化功效2016 全國生物科技暨健康產業學術研討會
1040321通訊作者Antiobesity Effects of GABA Tea containing Mulberry Leaf in Obese Adults第三十屆生物醫學聯合學術年會
1030315第一作者Inhibitory Effect of Mulberry Leaf-GABA Tea on Lipid Peroxidation in Healthy Participants第29屆生物醫學聯合學術年會
1010317通訊作者Effects of GABA Tea and GABA on Fe(II)-induced DNA Damage.第27屆生物醫學年會
1000319通訊作者Antioxidant and Prooxidant Activity of GABA tea: Role of Metal Ions第二十六屆生物醫學聯合學術年會
0990327第一作者Increased Expression of Catalase in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients第25屆生物醫學年會
0980321第二作者Effect of Antioxidants on Oxidative Damage in Chronic Kidney Disease第24屆生物醫學聯合學術年會
0980321第一作者GABA Tea-Copper(II) Induced DNA Breakage in Human Peripheral Lymphocytes: Implication for Anticancer Properties第24屆生物醫學聯合學術年會
0970621第三作者Molecular mechanisms of naringenin-induced apoptosis in human lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549九十六年度中區八大院校暨台中榮民總醫院合作研究計畫聯合成果發表會
0970612第一作者Molecular mechanisms of naringenin-induced apoptosis in human lung adenocarcinoma cell A549九十六年度弘光科技大學學術研究發表會
0970329第一作者Role of copper(II) on the oxidative and antioxidative potential of GABA tea23屆生物醫學年會
0961207第一作者The effect of GABA tea on oxidative DNA damage in human peripheral blood lymphocytes.台灣食品科技學會第37次年會
0960916第三作者Photoirradiation of hydroxyl benzo[a]pyrene and alkyl derivatives by UVA light leading to lipid peroxidation.4th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Environmental Health Research
0960602第一作者Association of hOGG1 gene polymorphism with lung cancer in Taiwan 九十五年度台中榮民總醫院與中區各大學合作研究計畫成果發表會
0960317第三作者Naringenin induced apoptosis in human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells第22屆生物醫學年會
0950918第三作者Synthesis and photoirradiation of isomeric ethylchrysenes by UVA light leading to lipid peroxidationThird International Symposium on Recent Advances in Environmental Health Research
0950318第一作者Association of hOGG1 mRNA expression with p53 protein overexpression in non-small cell lung cancer.第21屆生物醫學年會
0940918第二作者Induction of lipid peroxidation by photoirradiation of B[a]P-7,8-dihydrodiol, 1-nitroB[a]P and 3-nitroB[a]P 7,8-dihydrodiol.Second Interational Symposium on Recent Advances in Environmental Health Research
0940326第一作者Association of hOGG1 mRNA expression with lung tumor metastasis and its prognostic value in non-small cell lung cancer.第20屆生物醫學年會
0930710第二作者Photoclastogenicity of retinyl palmitate and its photodecomposition products.The 32nd Annual Meeting American Society for photobiology.
0930710第二作者Formation of reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxides from photoirradiation of retinyl palmitate and its photodecomposition products.The 32nd Annual Meeting American Society for Photobiology.
0930410第一作者The expression of hOGG1 gene in lung cells.第十九屆生物醫學年會
0930325第一作者Decreased CYP1A1-dependent enzyme activity and protein levels in HepG2 cells exposed to benzo[a]pyrene in the presence of 1-nitropyrene.The 43rd Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting
0920906第二作者Mechanism of retinyl palmitate photodecomposition.The 10th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology
0920705第一作者Photodecomposition of retinyl palmitate.The 31st Annual Meeting American Society for Photobiology
0920329第一作者The association of hOGG1 gene expression with lung tumor progression. 第十八屆生物醫學年會
10807182019 Who's Whos in the World listee Marquis Who's Who Publication第一作者第一名國際
1070726 2018 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement AwardMarquis Who's Who Publication第一作者第一名國際
1050101Who's Who in Science and Engineering 12th Edition, 2016-2017Marquis Who's Who Publications第一作者第一名國際
10907302020 Who's Whos in the World listee Marquis Who's Who ® Ventures LLC第一作者第一名國際
1031001Who's Who in the World 2014 (31st Edition)Marquis Who's Who Publications第一作者參加國際
102010130th Pearl Anniversary Edition of Who's Who in the WorldThe Marquis Who's Who Editorial Department第一作者參加其他
1120701指導專題 Expression of clusterin in esophageal cancer patients serum
1110801指導專題 天然活性成分之抗氧化活性分析
1101210指導專題 The Expression of Proinflammatory Cytokine in Esophageal Cancer Patients Receiving Neoadjuvant Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy
1100701指導專題 篩選與評估具有抗氧化活性之天然物
1100222指導專題 篩選與評估對肺癌細胞抗藥株具有敏感作用之植物新藥
1090914指導專題109 學年專題製作探討大專生對新型冠狀病毒傳染途徑與預防的認知
1090914指導專題109 學年專題製作探討新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情對民眾戴口罩之觀念及行為的影響
1081026得獎專題2019 全國生物科技暨健康產業學術研討會Naringenin induces Bax-mediated apoptosis in A549 lung cancer cells
1071123指導壁報競賽2018全國生物科技暨健康產業學術研討會-食品生技組Role of GABA in antioxidant Activity of GABA Tea Containing Mulberry Leaf
1060325得獎專題台灣毒物學學會Neoadjuvant Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy Induced Oxidative Stress in Esophageal Cancer Patients
1051202得獎壁報競賽全國生物科技暨健康產業學術研討會含桑葉GABA 茶具有抗氧化功效
1040706指導專題 探討食道麟狀表皮癌患者之體內氧化壓力的影響
1040706指導專題 探討食道麟狀表皮癌病患體內前發炎細胞素表現量的影響
1030701指導專題 探討術前同步化學放射治療對食道癌患者之體內氧化壓力的影響
1030320得獎壁報競賽Effects of GABA tea-containing mulberry leaf on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme activity in healthy subjectsEffects of GABA tea-containing mulberry leaf tea on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme activity in healthy subjects
1030217指導專題 含桑葉GABA茶對體重控制受試者氧化壓力之影響
1020801指導專題 探討GABA tea對鐵離子所誘發的DNA斷裂傷害之作用機轉
1020308指導專題 探討含桑葉GABA茶保健食品之抗氧化功效及對人體肥胖基因表現之影響
1010702指導專題 開發不易形成體脂肪保健食品人體試驗
1010317得獎壁報競賽第27屆生物醫學年會看板論文競賽Effects of GABA Tea and GABA on Fe(II)-induced DNA Damage
指導壁報競賽中華民國毒物學學會看板論文競賽Antioxidant and Prooxidant Activity of GABA tea: Role of Metal Ions
指導專題 Antioxidation of GABA tea in the presence of metal ions
指導專題 血液透析病患之過氧化氫酶蛋白表現量分析研究
指導專題 鋅離子存在下加碼茶促進H2O2所造成的DNA斷裂作用
指導專題 The study of industrial dye-induced DNA damage
指導專題 探討工業染料誘發DNA氧化性斷裂作用
指導專題 The study of Mulberry leaf-induced DNA damage